Donnerstag, 5. März 2009

arised form the dead / sneaker stories

short time after my posting about this "hello kitty"-hospital, german kleinigkeit and me felt ill. you have to know we share lots of things, like the love to tattoos, shoes and clothing, hair styling, job related perspectives and in the last days also our diseases. and this wasn´t nice, i can tell you.
do you know how it feels like when you nearly choke on your spittle (and other substances deep in your throat) while coughing? or to freeze on the toilet because the seat seems to be cold as ice and hurts as hell?
we are nearly through it...
so look forward to news and crap in the next days.

and while your´re wainting take a look at this movie:

sneaker stories follows street basketball players in Brooklyn, Vienna and Ghana through one hot summer, and reveals how their love of style, shoes and the game itself resonates within an international cycle of control and commodification.

trailer and homepage...

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