Tonight: Top Gun... again. I love watching Tom Cruise playing one of his best roles: a Macho-asshole. But in this movie he's a macho with a plane and guns AND a motor-cycle.. yaay! Mhh, I'm kinda running out of movies here. Somebody wanna help me out?
Whatever, one of my favourite quotes is from Top Gun (and I'm not telling which one, try to find out yourself), plus it has one of the best songs by Kenny Loggins on the soundtrack (OK, has Kenny Loggins ever written more tracks than Footloose and Highway to the dangerzone?).
But there's still one song on the soundtrack that makes me wanna throw up the second I hear it. Yes, right. Berlin-Take my breath away. Würgspotzkotz. And as I'm watching the video clip for that song I'm really wondering how anybody could make out with Tom Cruise even if it's just for a movie.. disgusting.
Well at least there's lovely Meg Ryan looking pretty as always.. in the 5 minutes she's in the movie..
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