so i first got my eyes controlled and now i have to wear glasses from time to time. remember? i posted that some days ago.
then i bought footbed-insoles for my vans and chucks. did i ever mention my age??
and next month i have an appointment for a blood count.
now i have to think about the next, gynecologist...
i can say that at the end of the year my body is checked through and is ready for his third decade.
but what about the emotional health?
in this case i wasn´t inactive as well.
first i bought bath salts and now i take a bath once a week.
i also stopped hearing this agressive music exclusively. thanks at this point to german kleinigkeit for the new mixtape. so let more emotional feelings and relaxing moments come to my daily life.
but what hurt me last year most was my future. ok, some of you might say that there was another little problem as well...äh yes, that´s right. but it´s not to mention in this post. ;)
the best decicsions i made this year so far were first: i dropped my diploma thesis-theme. i worked for months on the old one but this sunday i came to the point to say stop. there were too many dead-ends. this week i´m looking for a new one. I´m feeling eased...and i can´t say how great this feeling is. the second decision was to turn my focus when thinking about my work and job in the future after finishing university. the last year i searched despairingly for a job position or an aim like that. something to finish university for. that is not really easy when making the dilploma in sociology. but now my focus is on the place where i like to work, the city and the attitude to life i like to have then.
in my associaton i have to wear sunglasses when going to work all the year round. i can smell the sea on this way to work and see it after walking a few minutes through the city.
the picture in my mind is so wonderful that my motivation for graduation is higher than ever.
the moral from all of this is that you can change nearly your hole life just by changing your point of view, your focus and your attitude towards something. it´s a lang way you have to go but everything will be good at the end. it sounds more melodramatic as i wanted it to, sorry. :)
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