Donnerstag, 2. April 2009

Just in case you haven't heard

Our favourite Räpper Casper just signed to Selfmade records, dropped a single with Kollegah and Favourite and has MTV rotation now.

If you wanna know what I think about it: His part is cool.. the rest kinda sucks.. sorry. But I've never been into Kollegah and just the whole Selfmade thing. And you can keep on telling me those guys have a great technique if it comes to Räp.. I don't care, it just sounds stupid to me.
Plus: everytime I watch a German Räp Video it always reminds me of my ex boyfriend from the US, when he was watching that Sido Video "Mein Block" years ago and was asking "Is he being serious?"
Deutsch-Räp, mein liebstes Sorgenkind.

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