on thursday dover had a show in our wonderful little city.
i liked them very much...till then. what the fuck happend with this band???
electonic influences on the new album, exhausted-looking band-menbers...
i stood there, was shocked, listend to three songs and fled...out of the concert directly into my memory of the wonderful past of dover.
SECOND: pop-up books should come back.
on friday the exhibition of the final year projects of the design-college bielefeld opend.
projects of fashion, media design, photography and many more we could gaze at.
one of the students made a pop-up-calendar. this work was so amazing and brilliant and i remembered a book i saw several months ago: the star wars pop-up-guide to the galaxy.
this book is the best i´ve ever seen.
THIRD: my handy is a nonswimmer
...especially in sparkling wine. so don´t try to call me, please.
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