Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009

hello kitty hospital in taiwan

a "hello kitty" themed hospital has opened it´s doors in taiwan last year. The aim of it is to ease the stress of childbirth with images of this cartoon character.

rom blankets and birth certificates to cots and uniforms worn by staff, every aspect of the hello kitty hospital is emblazoned with the little cat.

patients are welcomed by a statue of hello kitty dressed in a doctor's uniform, before travelling in a hello kitty elevator to a pink examination room with hello kitty posters on the wall.

to ease childbirth...hä???
no one can imagine what can happen to a little new-born mind when the first thing on earth you see is a "hello kitty" nurse taking you away from your mother after cutting the umbilical cord.
what about longterm studies on this? were they made?

Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

muzak, not music

So I had a little conversation with a certain someone lately about music and how your taste of music might change at a certain age (I mean my taste did change a lot). He's alot into Hardcore and stuff still and I almost forgot that I just listened to that stuff years ago. I'm always wondering about how much your interest in music can change just in a few years. Why is that? Is it a part of growing up, is it a part how you were socialized or is it because you just gave up on something you believed in (which is maybe a part of growing up).
When I think back to all the different kinds of music I used to listen to, there is only one constant in my life and that is probably the music my Dad showed me. Just like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Ac/Dc and stuff. Since then I went from Rock to HipHop to Punk to Hardcore and back.
And thinking about Hardcore I had to realize that I don't feel connected to this music anymore really. But if I go back in time I have to say that the time when I used to listen to it was maybe the best time of my life. The shows, the people, the atmosphere.. everything. That was when I was 19-24 or something. I was full of idealism, full of ideas and stuff... and now it's just not like that anymore. So what happened? Shows have changed, people have changed, ideas have changed and I'm not feeling it anymore. But still there's a lot of appreciation I have for some Bands.

my life is so slooooow

but still I feel like I have to rave against Germany

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

i just thought "uiuiui"

everybody got some little secrets.
one of mine is that i ´m owner of all the osbournes-seasons.
when i entrust someone with this i get the "oh fuck,´s you"-look.

2003 i saw a kelly osbourne-show in hannover as a support act for robbie williams. weird, isn´t it? the show was horrible, of course. but i can´t deny that i like this girl, in some queer way.

i found this on youtube and i´m not sure if i like it or not.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009

subversive cross stich

that´s the way we like the good old handcraft-stuff: up-to-date and easy to understand.
actually some friends of mine are knitting or tyring to bring the crochet at it´s best.
stiching is, as you can see, missing...until now.
shows the how-tos, gives helpful suggestions and you can generate your own pattern.

Montag, 9. Februar 2009

Acid Tongue

So Jenny Lewis dropped a new record. It's called Acid Tongue and I'm already in love with it.
"To be lonely is a habit like smoking or taking drugs
And I've quit them both but man was it rough."
Yeah, story of my life.

Thanks Jenny.

Sonntag, 8. Februar 2009

three things i learned this week

FIRST: things aren´t what they used to be.

on thursday dover had a show in our wonderful little city.
i liked them very much...till then. what the fuck happend with this band???
electonic influences on the new album, exhausted-looking band-menbers...
i stood there, was shocked, listend to three songs and fled...out of the concert directly into my memory of the wonderful past of dover.



SECOND: pop-up books should come back.

on friday the exhibition of the final year projects of the design-college bielefeld opend.
projects of fashion, media design, photography and many more we could gaze at.
one of the students made a pop-up-calendar. this work was so amazing and brilliant and i remembered a book i saw several months ago: the star wars pop-up-guide to the galaxy.
this book is the best i´ve ever seen.

THIRD: my handy is a nonswimmer

...especially in sparkling wine. so don´t try to call me, please.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

things that made me happy today

i found a new mag...the missy magazine:

the first issue was released in october 2008 and the second is planned for march 2009...
themes are about music, culture, feminism, sex...everything you need for an amusing and informative life.

looove that!!!





truffle shuffle...remember the GOONIES???

in 1985 some crazy boys searched an old pirate treasure...