i love it when my flat-mates have thier friends here for going out. then they do what all other men do: drinking and talking weird stuff.
yesterday one of the boys brouhgt a book with him i found this morning in our kitchen:
"the bro code" by barney stinson and matt kuhn.
it´s some kind of collection of rules how one bro has to deal with other bros.
the book gives first answer to the important question "what (the fuck) is a bro?".
a bro is a lifelong companion you can trust, will always be there for you, unless he´s got something else going on.
then a list of 150 rules follows.
here some examples:
article 1: bros before ho´s.
article 2: a bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his bros are all doing it.
article 12: bros do not share dessert.
article 37: a bro is under no obligation to open a door for anyone. if women insist on having their own professional basketball league, then they can open their own doors. honestly, they´re not that heavy.
article 99: a bro never ask for direction when lost.
article 118: when a bro is with his bros, he is not an vegetarian.
article 149: a bro pretends to unterstand and enjoy cigars.
article 150: no sex with your bro´s ex.
this is of course a minimal selection of all these wonderful articles.
i must say i love this book and really think about to keep it.
but, no, i will put it back right now.
this was the first literartur-referral here. i think it was a good start.
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