So 2008 is almost over, and I survived.. wow. Right now I guess it's time to think about things that have to happen in 2009, or on the other hand, shouldn't happen anymore.
Here we go.
+ studying even faster and harder. I wanna be through with school next year, though this is somehow wishfull thinking.
+ listening to more soul and jazz music, especially jazz.
+ watching more discovery channel history, although this will be kinda hard without having cable. So who has discovery channel and invites me over? Let me know.
+ doing my internship and trying to get paid for it. Wait a minute. I live in Germany, yeah this won't be happening for me..
+ going to Chicago another time. Does anymone wanna sponsor me?
+ more love for 2009 in general.
- less partying and hangovers.
- less party animals around me.
- maybe I'll give up on smoking.. I said maybe.
Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008
altamont apparel
look ma!! :)

normally i´m not into this death-stuff on shirts but i like the altamont collection.
altamont is one of my favourite when it comes to strictly skateboarding-apparel.

and they got a wonderful jimi-hendrix-collabo you definitely have to check out.
PS: tonight we have a new-years-eve-party here in our flat. and after one or thirty coffees i´m some kind of looking forward to it. but do you know the state of mind when you put some juice insted of milk in your first coffee of the day because the packages are standing side by side in the fridge? welcome to my world!!!
normally i´m not into this death-stuff on shirts but i like the altamont collection.
altamont is one of my favourite when it comes to strictly skateboarding-apparel.
and they got a wonderful jimi-hendrix-collabo you definitely have to check out.
PS: tonight we have a new-years-eve-party here in our flat. and after one or thirty coffees i´m some kind of looking forward to it. but do you know the state of mind when you put some juice insted of milk in your first coffee of the day because the packages are standing side by side in the fridge? welcome to my world!!!
Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008
Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008
So Christmas.. almost here. And I somehow wish I could be as excited about it as my roomate is. Seriously, she acts like a child since the past 5 days, running around asking everybody what we got her for christmas. It's cute though, that's just how she is.
Unfortunatly I don't have this christmas feeling yet. I don't even feel like driving home for christmas and meet my old friends in the city like I usually do every year. I guess the moment I know christmas is really here is when I go out dancing at the forum tomorrow night.
And don't forget about the T-Party at JZ Kamp on december 25th... plus we all meet again to train for new years at forum on december 30th. Right? Right.
And by the way: Thanks for coming out on Thursday night.

And P.S.: I'll be at Fellbaum's place tonight and record the next monkey fixtape.. Hell yeah.
Merry fucking christmas everyone!
Unfortunatly I don't have this christmas feeling yet. I don't even feel like driving home for christmas and meet my old friends in the city like I usually do every year. I guess the moment I know christmas is really here is when I go out dancing at the forum tomorrow night.
And don't forget about the T-Party at JZ Kamp on december 25th... plus we all meet again to train for new years at forum on december 30th. Right? Right.
And by the way: Thanks for coming out on Thursday night.

And P.S.: I'll be at Fellbaum's place tonight and record the next monkey fixtape.. Hell yeah.
Merry fucking christmas everyone!
Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2008
good morning
do you know that feeling of a some kind after-party-sadness on sundays? i´m sure you do.
someone wanna join me?
the countdown to christmas is nearly over and i give you this as a present for this sad sunday:
the next two are just for the taste of it.
someone wanna join me?
the countdown to christmas is nearly over and i give you this as a present for this sad sunday:
the next two are just for the taste of it.
Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008
the bro-code
i love it when my flat-mates have thier friends here for going out. then they do what all other men do: drinking and talking weird stuff.
yesterday one of the boys brouhgt a book with him i found this morning in our kitchen:
"the bro code" by barney stinson and matt kuhn.
it´s some kind of collection of rules how one bro has to deal with other bros.
the book gives first answer to the important question "what (the fuck) is a bro?".
a bro is a lifelong companion you can trust, will always be there for you, unless he´s got something else going on.
then a list of 150 rules follows.
here some examples:
article 1: bros before ho´s.
article 2: a bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his bros are all doing it.
article 12: bros do not share dessert.
article 37: a bro is under no obligation to open a door for anyone. if women insist on having their own professional basketball league, then they can open their own doors. honestly, they´re not that heavy.
article 99: a bro never ask for direction when lost.
article 118: when a bro is with his bros, he is not an vegetarian.
article 149: a bro pretends to unterstand and enjoy cigars.
article 150: no sex with your bro´s ex.
this is of course a minimal selection of all these wonderful articles.
i must say i love this book and really think about to keep it.
but, no, i will put it back right now.
this was the first literartur-referral here. i think it was a good start.
Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008
party review: funky cold moped live @ plan b
last night german kleinigkeit a.k.a. funky cold moped had her first show at plan b here in bielefeld.
she was amazing. the mixture of music was nearly perfect for a night at this bar.
it´s not possible to describe the several genres because the music was so manifold. i just can say the combination of this wonderful woman with the regular plan b- dj le darko was the best thing ever can happen.
in my opinion funky cold moped has found her destination and we hope that she will turn her passion into a regular part of our party nights.
please never put the earphones down again and thank you very much for your affinity to music.
Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008
my mobile´s dead of the worst things that can happen during the day, next to "my mp3-player is dead", is "my mobile is dead".
i´m trying to calm myself with "NO, i´m not 16 anymore and NO this is not the end of days" and so on.
with this new feeling of freedom, i use this opportunity to reconsider my life...uiuiui...including my jobs, my friends, my way of creating the day.
what could be better? what is already perfect?
first of all: i love my friends. thanks for you all!
i definately need new jobs. i hate the work at the university office. i´m working in a skateshop as well sometimes at the weekends. perhaps i should do this more often.
and...oh...i like to have a rockstar as a boyfriend, please. some of the tough guys. and it would be great if he is good in skateboarding as well.
tomorrow i´m going to check my hometown to find him...
then i like to have a dog. a dalmatian. i like the jumper these dogs wearing every day.
and then i like to complete my degree...just a few months left...yeah.
this is my ticket out of this sad little town we are living in.
as a result...there are just a few things to change. some easier than others, but everything is possible. nice.
AND please, if you´re in town tonight:
we love to disco at plan b with funky cold moped and le darko.
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008
Our weekend starts on Thursday.
Montag, 15. Dezember 2008
xx xy
yeah guys, I know you think that's true and that it's like that with every girl, right?
truth is: you're wrong.
truth is: we love when you're nothing but nice n sweet (some even like that romantic blablabla). But you better don't start with that stuff before at least a couple of weeks.. others we just get boooooored.
oh and maybe if I find some time totmorrow I'm gonna draw a comic for the opposite sex and their fucking klischee: You only love us when we ignore you and treat you like shit, right?
fact is: beds are pretty cold in december.
His name is Bernd
Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008
be like her...oh juliette
watch thizz. you all know juliette lewis and the licks?
powerful woman with an unbelievable perfomance on stage.
i love that really. and i miss this kind of performance so often when i´m on shows of bands with female bandleaders.
so please, please girls and women watch juliette and try to get attached by her power.
have nice evening now...i´m about to continue my diploma thesis about women in the hardcore-punk scene.
powerful woman with an unbelievable perfomance on stage.
i love that really. and i miss this kind of performance so often when i´m on shows of bands with female bandleaders.
so please, please girls and women watch juliette and try to get attached by her power.
have nice evening now...i´m about to continue my diploma thesis about women in the hardcore-punk scene.
Montag, 8. Dezember 2008
Yeah I don't really know what it is with me and oral examination, but I have to take one tomorrow and I'm already a nervous wreck right now and there's nothing I can do about it. But a certain someone lately told me I should find a special song for that day and listen to it before doing the examination. Soooooo which song should I pick?
Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008
Richie Jackson
this sunday i proudly present the amazing, the adorable, the what-ever-in-hell-skateboarder RICHIE JACKSON.
this is his part of the transworld "and now"-video.
just check it out and try to keep your mouth shut.
Richie Jackson And Now
this is his part of the transworld "and now"-video.
just check it out and try to keep your mouth shut.
Richie Jackson And Now
and now,
richie jackson,
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008
Road to ruin
So my day started like this today: "Fuck it I'm not gonna save my birthday money at all. I go shopping." So I did. And by the end of the day I went from rich to quite bankrupt.. whatever. My hunger for new stuff is finally satisfied.

And if you don't think that this is one amazing song.. you prolly don't know shit about music.
And if you don't think that this is one amazing song.. you prolly don't know shit about music.
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008
that´s life
in the last few days i had to learn a lot about life.
i am not very good in dealing with conflicts, but seriously is there someone who really is good in that?
i´m asking myself lots of questions these days.
when someone hurts you, some familymember or a friend, sometimes you can´t do anyhing about it. especially when that hurting person doesn´t care.
but what to do then? being indifferent as well? i´m really not that kind of person who can say "thank you for that and now go away!" but this would be better for me.
where is the problem for some people just to say "sorry" from time to time?
it is easier to run away...time is healing everything, they say.
i hope people learn eventually how to deal with others and how to react to emotional hurts (made to others or experienced by themself).
i can´t say that i am perfect in dealing with others, but i´m trying to do my best everyday.
for encouragement and assistance i seriously need a strong man by my side (some male friends of mine might laugh now, because they knew that from the start).
and a constrictor snake would be a great help as well.
oh and please be patient and careful when your going out into the shopping street, people might look like that in these days:

i am not very good in dealing with conflicts, but seriously is there someone who really is good in that?
i´m asking myself lots of questions these days.
when someone hurts you, some familymember or a friend, sometimes you can´t do anyhing about it. especially when that hurting person doesn´t care.
but what to do then? being indifferent as well? i´m really not that kind of person who can say "thank you for that and now go away!" but this would be better for me.
where is the problem for some people just to say "sorry" from time to time?
it is easier to run away...time is healing everything, they say.
i hope people learn eventually how to deal with others and how to react to emotional hurts (made to others or experienced by themself).
i can´t say that i am perfect in dealing with others, but i´m trying to do my best everyday.
for encouragement and assistance i seriously need a strong man by my side (some male friends of mine might laugh now, because they knew that from the start).
and a constrictor snake would be a great help as well.
oh and please be patient and careful when your going out into the shopping street, people might look like that in these days:
Montag, 1. Dezember 2008
Dear neighbors
Really, there's no need to hit your ceiling with a broom just because we listen to our music a little too loud. I mean I know these apartments do have paper-walls. But hey.. just take it as a gift from one neighbor to another: we offer you some good music taste and all you have to do is: enjoy it!
Seriously you make feel like 14 and living with my parents again
Seriously you make feel like 14 and living with my parents again
December 1st
So it's that one day a year we all think about Aids and its victims. Apparently the only day we do. Because I don't see HIV or Aids campaign ads around the rest of the year. Seems to me we only have a problem with a certain disease on December 1st. Or is it because instead of red ribbons we started buying pink ribbons? Is that the reason we began to forget about it? Because we can only focus on one big problem?
Or... we just got used to it.
I guess that's what happens when you live in an over-privileged rich land with health care. If you don't see the problem in front of your eyes it's just not there right?
But people, it's there 24/7, 365 days a year. Think.
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