few years ago i sat in a doctors waiting room reading some german women´s magazines.
i found an article about two female students from cologne who started a porno-mag for girls.
they were dissatisfied with the actual range of porno-mags which adress female "readers".
so they invested some money, worked out a concept and asked boys from the neighbourhood if they were interested in being in their mag.
special about these mag is that the boys are real, so no make-up, no digital adaption, no casting etc.
the first issue called "lecker" (engl. 'delicious' or 'yummy'), released august 2005. it was sold out within a few weeks with kindly support from thier parents and friends.
shortly after the release of that issue they got some trouble with a cooking-magazine with the same title. so for the second issue they changed the name to "glück" (engl. 'fortune' or 'happiness'), released february 2006.
i bought that issue for supporting this great project and of course out of curiosity.
the mag contained interviews for examlpe with charlotte roche (oh wonder) and diverse articles about sexual themes and one about one of my favourite bands the test icicles.
the boys in that issue were...mmmhh...ahhh....ähhhh....yeah...like the boys from next door. just normal, with normal bodies...hairy...we all had great fun with that mag...especially with that wonderful detachable poster in the middle.
they had also an homepage, but with only some information about mailorder and stuff.
the third issue then was named "jungsheft" (engl. 'boys-issue') chosen by the buyers that time.
some days ago i visited the homepage again...and surprise...they expanded the (w)hole thing and they made a good job of it.
now there is in addition to the mag for girls the "giddyheft" for boys and a wonderful hompage with all you can think of.
so please check that out...i know you want to...click here.
2 Kommentare:
i'm already in love with it!
begoing the danger of sounding gay : i think the idea is awesome. plus, i think i should be featureed in it. bam.
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